Showing 16 Result(s)

Getting Your Business Started with Social Media

Change of subject folks! Since we tend to talk a lot about photography techniques and our latest projects and events, we decided to shift gears and focus on something a little more supplemental to the whole marketing process — SOCIAL MEDIA!   So how can you focus on getting your business started with social media? …

Rebecca’s Bat Mitzvah in Princeton, NJ

So much love and so many feels at this amazing bat mitzvah! I’ve never seen so many grown men tear up, but then again, I’m convinced that’s what daughters are for!   The Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Poller was a spectacular day of celebrating a fantastic young woman, and we were privileged enough to be …

Rustic Wedding in Parishville, New York

When an old friend from high school asked if we’d make a trip to take pictures of her rustic wedding in Parishville, New York this past October, we jumped at the opportunity. Besides, there’s nothing better than seeing old friends and shooting an event you truly care about and want to witness.

Post-Production: Photo Editing Hacks

Behind the vast majority of today’s great digital photos there is also great editing. Whether it’s as simple as cropping to shift the focus of the image or adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation and other details, the editing process can be time-consuming and intense for photographers.   However, this process is also what can take average photos and turn …

NMPS Clinic at Free Spirit Farm

Hey there! Over the weekend we stopped by the National Mounted Police Services De-Spooking Clinic at Free Spirit Farm. What a cool experience! Police cars buzzing around horses, fire, sirens, smoke bombs… All of that scares ME, let alone an animal that has no idea what all that stuff is. These guys were on their horses for …