Showing 16 Result(s)

Lighting Solutions for Dark Environments

I’m pretty sure it’s every photographer’s nightmare to show up to an event expecting to take some gorgeous shots, only to be greeted with the worst reality: a dark, dimly lit environment in which you’re still expected to take stunning photographs.   And how on earth are you expected to turn a lighting catastrophe into breathtaking photos of your …

Natural Light Photography: Tricks & Tips

A subject I’m constantly asked about when I’m taking photos is how to get the best light for a given shot. Now, there are tons and tons of nifty little tricks and tips about this sort of thing, but as far as I’m concerned, nothing beats the look and feel of photograph that’s shot using …

Horse Racing Photos

Hey guys! Hope you’re all having a great week. This week we sorted through hundreds of photos from a few SD cards we hadn’t gotten to and boy did we stumble across some gems. These are just a few horse racing photos that were taken at the Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park and the Pennsylvania Derby at …

New York City Photos

Taking pictures in New York City is ridiculously easy to do (especially thanks to cell phones with cameras!). Since I’ve relocated to the suburbs of New Jersey, I take tons of pictures with every trip I make into the Big Apple.  

Puppy Photos: Precious & Caesar

Taking photos of a little puppy is about as good as it gets. As far as I’m concerned, all dogs are a perfect little bundle of happiness — always exploring, always playful, occasionally a pain in the ass. Which can also make taking pictures of them quite difficult while they fidget and play and do everything but …